On Jumat, 03 Mei 2013 0 komentar

SKL                : LETTER

Read the text then answer questions well.

To     : akmal90@yahoo.com
RE     : Planning 4 holiday
Date : June, 29th 2011

Hi, Akmal. How’s life? I, Budi and Dhanu are going to have a long holiday this summer. Do you want to join us.  What are U going to do? You know summer is a good time for camping and hiking. We plan to go to Salak mountain. It’s a nice place for camping and hiking, and also for fishing. There’s a river near campsite. But I’m not really keen on it. At night we’ll sit around the fire and sing songs. Why don’t u join us? It’ll be more fun if u come. Let me know soon.

Your friend


1.      What activities is Denise going to do in the long holiday?
A.              Camping and hiking.                                                                               C. Camping and fishing.
B.              Camping, hiking and fishing.                                                                  D. Camping, hiking, singing, and sitting around fire.

2.      Why are they going to go to Salak mountain?
A.              It’s a summer season.                                                                              C. It’s a nice place for holiday.
B.              They’re going to camp and hike.                                                             D. They’re going to fish in the river.
3.      But I’m not really keen on it. What does the underlined word mean?
A.             Like                                                                                                         C. Love
B.              Eager                                                                                                       D. Want
4.      Do you want to join us. What does the underlined word refer to?
A.             Akmal                                                                                                     C. Budi
B.              Denise                                                                                                     D. Dhanu
Dear Dr. Hambali Sahali,

We would like to invite you and your staff to visit our school SMP Duta Bangsa, where we are engaged in an exciting service learning project.
Service-learning is a teaching method that engages our students in solving problems within their school and communities as an integral part of their academic studies. It is hoped that students master important curriculum content by making meaningful connection between what they study and its real-life applications. Besides, students become more effective citizens through acts of kindness, community stewardship and civic action. This effort is made possible with support from Learn and Serve America, a program of the corporation for National and Community Service.
May we suggest that you visit us on January 11, 2010 at 10 o’clock? This will give you an opportunity to see our program in action. We have also invited our community partners, members of the local media, and several families of students whom we serve. They are eager to talk to you about the importance of investing in service-learning activities in our local community.
We have enclosed a one page profile of our program for your reference. I will contact your office within the next two weeks to follow-up on this invitation. Again, we do hope you can join us on this occasion.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Andy Sehatapi

5.      The text above is about … .
A.                   having a National and Community Service                                             C. doing a program to promote better education
B.                   informing someone about a special program                                           D. inviting people to attend a school activity

6.      What does the second paragraph of the text tell us about?
A.                   The persons who have been invited.                                                       C. The purpose of service-learning project.
B.                   The importance of local media in project.                                                D. The opportunity to see a program in action.
7.  Dr. Sahali is supposed to come on January 11, 2010 to … the service learning project in action.
A.            enable him to watch                                                                 C.  get a special experience with
 B.            open the project officially                                                                        D.  ask questions related to

8. The text shows that Dr. Hambali Sahali is a  …       
       A. new school principal                                                                                          C.  government official
       B. teacher on duty                                                                                                   D.  new teacher    

9.  “ … and several families of students whom we serve.” What does the underlined word mean?
A.                   Work for.                                                                                                                C. Work out.
B.                   Spend time.                                                                                             D. Start doing.

10.           “This will give you an opportunity to see our program in action.” (par. 3) What does the word “this” in the sentence refer to?
A.                   The school cooperation.                                                                          C. The principal’s program.
B.             The effort of the school.                                                                          D. Dr. Sahali’s visiting time.

www. dodiindranotesaja.blogspot

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