Procedure Text. Silakan dilihat dan dipahami video pembelajaran tentang Procedure diatas. Terimakasih


Adverb of manner dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah  keterangan cara. Adverb of Manner menerangkan tentang cara atau bagaimana sesuatu terjadi. Keterangan cara biasanya diletakkan setelah kata kerja utama atau setelah objek.

Adverb of manner berasal dari adjective ( Kata Sifat ). Berikut ini cara membuat Adverb of Manner

1. Menambah Y atau LY di belakang Adjective ( ADJECTIVE + Y/LY )

    Example :

        - Proud           Proudly

        - Slow        Slowly

        - Careful    carefully


2. Mengganti LE menjadi LY


        - Simple        Simply

        - Humble        Humbly

        - Gentle        Gently

3. Merubah huruf Y menjadi I dan Menambahkan LY 


    - Happy        Happily

    - Crazy        Crazily

    - Easy            Easily

4. Adjective sama dengan Adverb of Manner


    - Hard

    - Late

    - Far


Temporal Conjunction adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kalimat yang satu dengan kaliamt yang lainnya. Tujuannya adalah supaya kalimatnya menjadi suatu urutan atau rentetan yang padu. 

Kata penghubung Temporal Conjuncyion tersebuat adalah 

1. First, Firstly

2. Second, Secondly

3. Next

4. After that, After it

5. Then

6. Before it, Before that

7. The last, At last

8. Finally

Untuk lebih lanjut lihat  gambar berikut!

Ok. Thanks so much


Adverb of frequency dapat kita terjemahkan kebahasa Indonesia menjadi kata keterangan frekwensi, kekerapan, atau keseringan sesuatu. Adverb of Frequency  dapat dibagi menjadi 2 yakni 

1. Definite Frequency

        Definite frequency menerangkan tentang rentang waktu secara spesifik ketika             suatu kegiatan dilakukan

2. Indefinite Frequency 

         Indefinite frequency tidak mengungkapkan secara spesifik seberapa sering                  suatu kegiatan dilakukan 

Silakan perhatikan keterangan berikut ini

Ok. Terimakasih


Hello and God Bless you all. On this wonderful occasion we will discuss about Measurement and Quantity. Measurement in Indonesia is ukuran while Quantity is jumlah. Now look at the text below

Well. Thanks so much




Imperative sentence is a kind of sentence that is used to instruct, request, command and give a direction.

Imperative Sentence dalam Bahasa Indonesia bisa diterjemahkan sebagai kalimat Perintah. Imperative sentence digunakan untuk membuat perintah (command), permintaan (request), dan petunjuk (direction). Pada kalimat Imperative diakhir kalimat harus memakai tanda seru ( ! ). Penggunaan tanda seru ini bertujuan untuk menekankan sebuah emosi dan juga menunjukkan bahwa hal yang kita ungkapkan tersebut tidak dapat dibantah.


Imperative Sentence can be devided into 2 types:

1.   Command Statement ( Positive Form )

2.   Prohibition Statement ( Negative Form )


Command Statement is used to state a positive instruction or request. Formula for this type is:

Verb + Object/Complement


Command statement is started with Verb plus Object, so there is no subject in this sentence. Di dalam Imperative Sentence bentuk Command statement yang harus kita tuliskan hanyalah kata kerja dengan objek atau complement saja.


Contohnya :

  • Close your mouth with masker! (Tutup mulutmu dengan masker!)
  • Open your mind! (Buka pikiranmu!)
  • Wash your hands well! (Cuci tanganmu dengan baik!)
  • Take a part! (Jaga jarak!)


Prohibition statement is used to state a negative thing. It prohibits someone to do or to make something. It tells about a prohibition of instruction and forbid a request. Prohibition statement dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah kalimat larangan. Kalimat ini digunakan untuk melarang seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Bisa juga berupa perintah atau permintaan untuk melarang sesuatu.


There are 2 kinds of Prohibition statement.

1.   Do not / Don’t

2.   No

Formula for them are:

1.  Do not/Don’t + Verb + Object/Complement

2.  No + Verb-ing + Object/Complement



Jadi untuk menuliskan prohibition statement ini kita hanya perlu menuliskan Do Not atau Don’t  terlebih dahulu sebelum Verb kemudian baru Object atau Complement dan  No ditambah kata kerja-ing baru ditambah object atau complement.

Contohnya :

  • Don’t get too close! (Jangan terlalu dekat!)
  • Do not leave your house! (Jangan keluar rumah!)
  • Don’t touch others! (Jangan sentuh orang lain!)
  • No wearing Masker. No getting in! (Tidak pakai masker. Tidak boleh masuk!)
  • No interrupting! ( tidak ada interupsi!)



Next, There are several function of Imperative sentence. They are:

1.     Command ( Memerintah  atau menyuruh ).

Contohnya :

·         Open your book ! (Buka buku mu!)

·         Give your hand! (Berikan tanganmu!)

·         Write your name here ! (Tuliskan nama mu disini!)

2.   2. Request ( Meminta )

Ciri utama dalam bentuk kalimat permintaan (request) ini yaitu dengan penambahan kata Please agar membuat kalimatnya menjadi lebih sopan.

Contohnya :

  • Please tidy your class now! (Tolong rapikan kelasmu sekarang!)
  • Borrow me money, please! (Pinjamkan uangmu!)
  • Please make me comfort. (Tolong buat aku nyaman!)


3. Warning ( Peringatan )

Memberi peringatan atau larangan seperti peringatan bahaya atau himbauan. Jika diucapkan  kalimat peringatan (warning) ini biasanya nada kalimat akan meninggi terutama di bagian akhir kalimat.

Contohnya :

  • Don’t bother me! (Jangan ganggu aku!)
  • Say no to drugs! (Katakan tidak pada Narkoba!)
  • No smoking! ( Jangan merokok!)


4. 4. Advice ( Nasehat )

Contohnya :

  • Don’t argue your parents!. (Jangan bantah orang tuamu!)
  • Wash your hands with sanitizer! ( Cuci tanganmu dengan sanitizer!)
  • No getting together ( Tidak boleh kumpul- kumpul!)
  • No sleeping in the classroom! ( Tidak boleh tidur dalam kelas )

5. 5. Giving Instruction ( Memberi petunjuk atau arahan )

Contohnya :

  • Go straight and then turn left. (Jalan lurus dan kemudian belok kiri)
  • Put it on the table! (Letakkan diatas meja!)
  • Bring your motorcycle to the repair center soon! (Bawalah motormu ke bengkel segera! )


 Ok. That is all. I hope it can help you all to understand English, Thank you and see you later. Bye bye...

Hi... meet again with me, Dodi Indra. In this occasion we will discuss discuss one type of the procedure text, namely Food and Drink Procedure. Food and Drink Procedure is a procedure text that talk about a recipe of food and drink. So. In this lesson, we will discuss about how to make food and drink. Before, we have analyzed about the definition, generic structure, and social function of Procedure text. Now, we will analyze Food and Drink Procedure based on the three elements. all right, Please read the recipe below! 

Based on the text above, we know that the goal of the text is Mixed Ice ( Es Campur ). So the text tells about how to make Mexed Ice. then, there are 5 kinds of ingredient needed, They are avocado, condense milk, coconut water, coconut shaving, and ice cube. Then the last part is talking about the steps or the way to make Mixed Ice. There are 6 steps to make it.  

Well, now look at the text below!

Based on the text, it can see that the goal of the text is to make Indomie Fried Noodle. The ingredients needed are two slices of bread and something inside, fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, and sausage. While for the steps, they are boil two glasses of water in a pan, open the package of Indomie fried noodles. boil water, pour the seasoning: chili sauce, soya sauce and oil into a bowl, when water is boiled, drain the noodles, throw away the water, pour the noodles into the bowl. mix the noodles with the seasoning, sauce, and the other ingredients. So, there are 7 steps to make it. 

Alright. This is our material. I hope you understand. Have a nice day. Thank you and see you then.



Meet again in English with me. Dodi Indra. In this meeting we will discuss about Agree and Disagree

Agree adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan persetujuan

Disagree adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan

1.    Ungkapan Menanyakan Persetujuan dan Ketidaksetujuan

-          Do You agree ……………

-          Do not you agree ……………

-          Would you agree with............

-          What is your opinion about...............

-          What do you think about ...............

-          How about …

2.    Ungkapan Persetujuan

-          Yes. I agree with you

-          I entirely agree

-          I am with you


3.    Ungkapan Ketidaksetujuan

-          I do not agree

-          Not really

-          Non Sense

-          You must be joking

-          I can not agree with you.



Ok. That is all. Thanks so much.

Bertemu lagi kita dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Pada kesempatan ini kita akan membahas materi Purpose and Intention. Silakan disimak dan dipahami!

Purpose berarti tujuan atau tujuan di balik tindakan tertentu atau serangkaian tindakan 

Intention berarti objek yang ingin dicapai. 

Ketika digunakan sebagai kata kerja, purpose berarti maksud, sedangkan Intention berarti tujuan. 

Menyatakan maksud dan tujuan

-          Must.... in order to.....

-          Have to ..... in order to.....

-          Should.... to....

-          Need to ...... so that ...


- We must eat proper food in order to be healthy

- You have to honour your parents in order to be nice kid.

- I should get up early to not late to school

- We need to do exercise so that our body fit.

Untuk menyatakan tujuan atau keinginan kita dapat menggunakan:

-     In order to


        1.   In order to be happy, we should live simply.

        2.   We can swim in order to have strong muscles

-     So that


        1.   We should study hard so that we can pass the exams.

        2.   We have to do warming up before doing exercise so that we don’t get                  muscle injury.

-     To


    1.   We should jog to have stronger lungs.

    2.   To be successful, we must work harder.


Fatih      : What happened with you, Yahya?

Yahya    :  I’ve got headache. It really hurts me.

Fatih      : You have to check it to the doctor in order to get better.

Yahya    :  Hm... I’m sorry. I think it is only a little problem. it will get well soon.

Fatih     :  I think you should take a rest much in order to fit your condition,

Yahya   :  That’s a good idea. Thanks a lot

Read the text below carefully!

Ok. Terimakasih.

Thankyou - Cartoon Thank You For Your Business - 500x321 PNG Download -  PNGkit

Cara mencegah virus corona (tugas bahasa inggris) - YouTube

Hi. It is nice to meet you again. How daes thing go with you. Well on this occasion I will inform you the way or tips to prevent transmission of Covid-19 if you live with erderly person, like granfather and grand mother.

Alright, Read this following text carefully.



Pemkab Serang Tambah Anggaran Covid-19, Warga Mampu Diminta Membantu -  Tribun banten

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV), which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.  It was initially reported to the WHO on December 31, 2019. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency.  On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009. 
Illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 was termed COVID-19 by the WHO, the acronym derived from "coronavirus disease 2019. " The name was chosen to avoid stigmatizing the virus's origins in terms of populations, geography, or animal associations

If you live at home with an elderly person, you must be more vigilant so as not to bring the virus into the house that can cause them to contract COVID-19.

Here are some tips you can do:

·         Make it a habit to wash your hands before touching the elderly in helping him do the activity. For example, before helping to wear clothes or move.
·         Washing hands should also be done before and after you touch your face, before preparing food, other than of course after pooping or when hands are dirty.
·         Limiting the need for activities outside the home. Gather all the things that must be done outside the home on one day in order to minimize the frequency of traveling.
·          If you have to use public transportation, try to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people.
·         Avoid participating in activities that involve gathering with people in one place. This includes seminars, religious activities, etc. Choose to study, work, and worship at home
·         After traveling, wash your hands and change clothes as soon as you get home before meeting the elderly.
·         Prepare a change of clothes and place it outside the room or near the bathroom before going outside the house. This way, you can just take a bath when you get home without having to open the wardrobe / enter the room again with dirty clothes. This is important to apply, especially if you share a room with the elderly.

Please pay attention to this flyer!  

These things we need to do to prevent transmission of the virus to the elderly at home. However, some tips like diligently washing your hands and cleaning yourself after outside the home before meeting the elderly should be a habit that can be continued even after this outbreak has passed to maintain the health of our elderly families.

dr. Tara P. Sani, MSc
dr. Saskia Mariska, MPH
Virginia Geraldine Hanny Prasetya, S. Psi

Ok. Thanks so much.