On Jumat, 03 Mei 2013 0 komentar

SKL                : ANNOUNCEMENT

Read the text then answer questions well.
To : All Marketing Managers
There will be a meeting this afternoon January 4th 2010 at 01.30 p.m. The meeting will discuss the customers’ orders.
Please bring the documents needed.
Thank You
Secretary Director


1.     What will be discussed in the meeting?
A.         The customers’ order.                                                              C. The customers’ needed.
B.         The customers’ documents.                                                    D. The customers' manager.

2.      Who will attend the meeting?
A.       Customers.                                                                                 C. All marketing managers.
B.       Secretary , Director and all managers.                                 D. Director, secretary and all marketing managers.

3.       The meeting will discuss the customers’..... What does the underlined word mean?
A.    Argue                                                                                             C. Talk
Speak                                                                                            D. Confer

To: All students of Junior High School 1 Jetis.

To celebrate the National Education Day the Board of Student Association will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, English Story Telling contest and Wall Magazine Competition. The programs will be held on January,  4th , 2010,  8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
All classes must take a part in the programs and should report their participation to their home teachers.

For detailed information, please contact Mrs. Erika, the coordinator of this program.


4.     Who is in charge of the program?
A.     The students.                                                                                C. The teacher.
B.     Mrs. Erika.                                                                                     D. Board of Students Association.

5.     The text is about ….
A.     Programs to celebrate the National Education Day             C. explaining special programs in January
B.     inviting students to come to school in January                      D. informing some programs on Jan 4th, 2010

6.     They are English Speech Contest, English Story... The underlined word refers to....
A.     Students                                                                                        C. Student Association
B.     Programs                                                                                      D. National Education days

7.     All classes must take part in the programs and should... What does the synonym o the underlined word?
A.     Participate                                                                                     C. Contribute
B.     Fraction                                                                                         D. Join


FRIDAY January 25TH, 2011

The girls’ basketball meeting is held after school today in the school library. The meeting is expected to last around 45 minutes and finish by 5. Every member must be present in this important meeting.
Should anyone be unable to attend the meeting, find Mr. Elder for permission and further details about the agenda.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the meeting.

8.     When will the meeting start?
A.     Around 4.05 p.m.                                                                         C. At about 4.15 p.m.
B.     At 4.50 p.m.                                                                                  D. At 5.00 p.m.

9.     What is the announcement for?
A.     To tell about girl’s Basketball meeting                                    C. To announce about the girls’ basketball meeting
B.     To inform the team about the agenda                                    D. To greet the girls’ basketball on the meeting

10.   What should a student do if she is not able to attend the meeting?
A.     Go home.                                                                                      C. Go to the library.
B.     Ask for permission from Mr. Elder.                                          D. Let the class teacher know about her absence.

www. dodiindranotesaja.blogspot

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