On Jumat, 03 Mei 2013 0 komentar

SKL                : GREETING CARD
Dear Mr. Mahmud!
All the hard working and the sleepless nights are paid now.  CONGRATULATIONS on your Doctoral
Teachers & Staffs
Read the text then answer questions well.

1.     What is happening Mr. Mahmud?
A.      He has just want a prize                                                                     C. He has finished his study
B.       He has just been granted a scholarship                                         D. He has just been rewarded the best Teacher  award

2.     What is the text for?
A.     Congratulate Mr. Mahmud on his birthday.                                    C. Greet Mr.Mahmud about  his graduation
B.     Telling about the graduation o Mr. Mahmud                                  D. Inform us about Mr. Mahmud success

3.     CONGRATULATIONS on your Doctoral. The underlined word refers to.....
A.      Mr. Mahmud                                                                                     C. Staff
B.      Teachers                                                                                              D. Doctor
Dear Bima,
Congratulations on your success
to be the best photographer journalist 2011

The manager and staff ofThe JJ Daily Post

4.   What is Bima ? He is … .
A.       a journalist of a magazine.                                                            C.  a journalist of a newspaper.
B.       a photographer of a magazine.                                                    D.  a photographer journalist of a newspaper.

5.     Why did the writer send the card to Bima?
B.     Because  Bima is one of the staff                                                    C. Because Bima win photografer  competation
C.    Because Bima is geeting to be the manager                                                D. Because Bima is the best in JJ daily post

6.  The text is written in order to … .
A. announce people to give praise to Bima                                          C. invite people to come to JJ Daily Post
B. inform people about a photographer                                                                D. congratulate Bima on his success

7.     Congratulations on your success. What does the underlined word mean?
A.     Achievement                                                                                       C. Champion
B.     Win                                                                                                        D. Victory

8.     Who send the card?
A.     Bima                                                                                                     C. Photografer
B.     Manager and Staff                                                                             D. Dialy Post
To : Johan
Happy New Year
I wish we all have a bright new year a head and pass UN test well.


9.       Looks like a bright new year a head! What does the underlined word mean?
A.     Smart                                                                                                     C. Dazzle
B.     Light                                                                                                       D. Happy

10.   What is relationship between Johan and Kakang likely?
A.      Relative                                                                                                  C. Friend
B.       Brother                                                                                                   D. Companion
www. dodiindranotesaja.blogspot

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