On Rabu, 14 September 2011 1 komentar


Ada beberapa jenis bentuk soal yang dikeluarkan di Ujian Nasional. Mengaju dan berdasarkan SKL yang telah ada, ada beberapa bentuk soal yakni :

  1. Soal Pemahaman makna

Soal bentuk ini adalah soal – soal pemahaman bacaan. Memahami makna dalam teks. Seperti teks monolog ,  teks fungsional dan teks transaksional yang meliputi :

a.     Gagasan Utama / Pikiran Utama

Ide pokok dari sebuah teks atau paragraph. Contoh soalnya :
Ø  What is the main idea of the text?
Ø  What is text about?
Ø  What is the text talking about?
Ø  What does the text mainly talk about?
Ø  What does the text talk us about?
Ø  The first paragraph is about?
Ø  The second paragraph is talking about?
Ø  From the text, we can conclude that..
Ø  What does paragraph one describe
Ø  Etc

Cara mencari jawabannya atau solusinya adalah

1.     Kebanyakan main idea dinyatakan pada kalimat pertama. Tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan di tengah atau diakhir teks.
2.     Gunakan pertanyaan WH – question
3.     Kata kata referen yang mengaju pada topic pembicaraan atau character.

Perhatikan text berikut kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya?

It was Sunday morning December 26th 2004. The day that I would never forget forever. We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived.
When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time.
After that, we saw the water going on into the middle of the sea. No wonder if there were many kinds of fish left behind on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the view until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way.
I didn’t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree.


The text mainly discusses 
A.    the story about terrible a earthquake
B.    the writer’s experience with a big earthquake
C.   the steps to avoid danger in your life
D.   the description of a beach in Meulaboh

What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.    The writer saw many fish on the sand.
B.    The view of the beach was very exciting.
C.   The writer liked to see the wave in the sea.
D.    Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything.

b.    Gambaran Umum / Gagasan Pendukung

Gambaran umum tentang isi bacaan atau Ide yang mendukung ide pokok. Biasanya tentang isi atau content teks yang didiskusikan. Berupa :
Ø  The text stated that ……
Ø  The text means……
Ø  The passage also tells that ……
Ø  Which statement is correct / true based on text?
Ø  Based on the text, these sentences are true except.

Cara mencari jawabannya atau solusinya adalah

1.     Perhatikan persamaan atau lawan kata yang ada di text dengan yang ada pada option jawaban
2.     Perhatikan tenses atau waktunya
3.     Perhatikan tokoh atau kharakternya
4.     Perhatikan penanda negatifnya.


The notice means that….
A.     the parking lot is only meant for visitors
B.     only people having permission can park their car at the parking lot
C.     the visitors are permitted to leave their vehicle at the parking lot
D.     people must take the parking tickets before entering the parking lot 

c.     Informasi Rinci Tersurat

Informasi Rinci Tersurat berarti pemahaman atas text, tentang apa yang didiskusikan dan dijelaskan dalam bacaan. Informasi rinci tersurat ini dituliskan atau dinyatakan langsung dalam teks sehingga sangat mudah untuk menjawabnya.
Biasanya menggunakan :
-          Why…..
-          What…
-          How …
-          Who
-          Etc

Kunci menjawabnya adalah :

1.     Untuk menemukan informasi ini  tentu saja kita harus memahami pertanyaannya terlebih dahulu. Misal pertanyaan itu memakai kata tanya why, maka kita perlu membaca kalimat-kalimat dalam teks yang merupakan alasan dari pertanyaan tersebut yang tempatnya bisa jadi berada di kalimat lain atau paragraph lain.
2.     Cari kata – kata yang sama dalam teks bacaan dan soal.
3.     Biasanya jawabannya adalah sambungan dari kalimat  yang ada kata – kata yang sama / mirip tadi

Rounded Rectangle: Bram …. I just got a bad news. As you know Nita’s father is hospitalized. He passed away last night. Please forward this message to our friends.


Who just passed away?
A.    Jack’s father.
B.    Bram’s friend.
C.   Nita’s father.
D.   Writer’s father

    1. Informasi Rinci Tersirat

Informasi rinci tersirat dalam teks adalah informasi yang diperoleh sebagai hasil kesimpulan pembaca berdasarkan clue-clue dalam teks seperti kata, bilangan, ungkapan, kalimat, dan lain-lain.
Informasi Rinci Tersirat adalah juga pemahaman akan teks. Namun tidak dituliskan langsung pada teks. Jika sudah paham baru bisa menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Sama halnya dengan informasi rinci tersurat, informasi rinci tersirat juga menggunakan :
-          Why…..
-          What…
-          How …
-          Who
-          etc

Cara mencari jawabannya:

Misalkan ada sebuah pertanyaan: What is Mr. Aldi like? (Pak Aldi itu seperti apa orangnya?). Bila kita mencari jawaban soal ini dalam teks dan ternyata tidak ada jawabannya secara jelas, maka sebaiknya kita “mencurigai” pertanyaan itu menanyakan informasi tersirat dalam teks. Setelah itu barulah kita mencari clue-clue yang tepat dan berdasar clue-clue itu kita simpulkan informasi apa yang hendak disampaikan si penulis.
Misalkan teks yang dibaca diantaranya memuat kalimat-kalimat yang kita “curigai” sebagai clue-clue sebagai berikut:

“ This is Anggora ……… He always makes people laugh. People always wait for his program. ………………..”

Kalimat pertama: This is Anggora, belum menjadi clue. Demikian juga kalimat: People always wait for his program. Tetapi berdasarkan kalimat: He always makes people laugh, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Anggora itu lucu orangnya. Misal pertanyaan lengkap soal pertanyaan di atas sebagai berikut:

What is Mr. Anggora like?
A.    Kind
B.    Funny
C.    Serious
D.    Clever
Bila kita baca jawaban di atas jelas bahwa jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah B

    1. Rujukan Kata

Rujukan kata adalah  acuan atas kata ganti yang digunakan dalam teks.
Bentuk pertanyaannya :
Ø  The word .... refers to …
Ø  What does ….. refer to ….
Ø  What does the word …… refer to …
Ø  The word …. In line …. Paragraph ….. refers to ….

Cara mencari jawabannya adalah:
-          Cari kata yang dimaksud didalam teks.
-          Biasanya jawabannya adalah Subjek atau Objek dari kalimat sebelumnya.

Text Box: To: Dona
Please forward to others, there is no scout meeting this week since Mr Brown hasn’t come yet from Egypt. It’s cancelled until he is back.


‘’Please forward to others…”
The  word others refers to …
A.  Dona and Riri
B.  Riry and Mr Brown
C.  Mr. Brown and Dona
D.  Scout members

It’s cancelled until he is back
The underlined word refers to….
a.   Dona
b.   Riri
c.   Mr. Brown
d.   The students

    1. Makna Kata atau prase
Arti dari kata atau prase yang dimaksud berdasarkan konteks pembicaraan.
Contoh pertanyaannya adalah :
-          What is synonym of the underlined word?
-          What is antonym of the underlined word?
-          The underlined word has closest meaning with …
-          The synonym of the word ….. is?
-          The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
-          The underlined word means ….
-          The word underlined is the same as meaning to …..
-          What does the underlined word means?
-          The word …… can be replaced by …..

Cara mencari jawabannya adalah;
-          Cari kata yang dimaksud didalam teks
-          Tentukan artinya atau maknanya sesuai permintaan teks
-          Cari persamaan atau lawannya

Text Box:         
The weather was very clear. I and my family decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the camping site in countryside. 
   .  There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. Finally,, we found a good place little bit further. It was near the big tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river.
       In the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish we caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted.  Sleeping in the tent was a very wonderful experience. I woke up early in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied my brother playing ball. 
       In the afternoon, we came back  home.

“…the river had been occupied by…” The underlined word is similar in meaning to…
A.    inhabited         
B.    authorized      
C.   bought
D.   grabbed

  1. Soal Mengungkapkan Makna
Soal bentuk ini adalah soal – soal tulisan. Biasanya  juga berbentuk teks monolog,  teks fungsional dan teks transaksional yang meliputi:
    1. Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat yang benar
Soal ini meminta untuk menyusun kembali kata – kata yang diacak menjadi kalimat yang baik.
Contoh soalnya :
Ø  Rearrage the words into the good one!
Ø  Rearrage the word to be a good sentence!
Ø  The correct arrangement for the words above is..
Ø  The correct arrangement is …

Cara menjawab soal ini adalah :
-          Tentukan bentuk kalimatnya. Kalimat positif, negative atau Tanya.
-          Cari kata utama. Biasanya berbentuk nama atau subjek  pronoun.
-          Tentukan fungsi katanya. Subjek, prediket, objek dan keterangan
-          Urutkan sesuai pola kalimatnya
-          Cari urutan yang benar

Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence.
a phone callherthereforwasthe geography teacherwas teachingwhile
              1               2         3        4        5                      6                               7                  8

A.    8 – 6 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4--  2
B.    8 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1
C.    6 – 7 – 2 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4
D.    3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 7

Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence.
      Not to usewith for water be careful the pump except other liquid
              1            2              3                 4                 5               6                7   

A. 5 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 6
B. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 3
C. 7 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 2 –1 – 3
D. 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6

    1. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi kalimat atau paragraph yang padu
Hampir sama dengan soal menyusun kata acak, soal ini juga meminta untuk menyusun kembali kalimat – kalimat  yang diacak menjadi paragraph atau teks yang padu dan baik.
Contoh soalnya :
Ø  Rearrange the sentences into the good one!
Ø  Rearrage these sentences into the correct order
Ø  Choose the right order of the following sentences to make a paragraph!
Ø  The correct arrangement for the sentences above is..
Ø  The correct arrangement is …
Ø  Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above

Cara menjawab soal ini adalah :
-          Cari kata utama. Biasanya berbentuk nama dan tidak memakai kata ganti.
-          Urutkan sesuai waktu atau temporalnya. Seperti,
·         First, second ....
·         Next, then, after that
·         At 7 o’clock ..... at 9 .30 ....
·         On Monday ........ on Tuesday …..
-          Pahami kalimat demi kalimat kemudian susun berdasarkan pemahaman tadi.
-          Cari urutan yang benar pada soal

Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph.
       1   Some of Lavisher’s other ideas were important too
             2   He learned some very important facts about chemistry.
             3   These are the same names we use today.
             4   He also worked on a way to improve France's banks and government.
             5   He used science to improve farming.
             6   And he gave names to many chemicals
             7   Lavisher was a great man in many ways.
             8   He helped to make taxes and money the same all over France

A.    7-1-4-8-2-6-5-3  
B.    7-2-6-3-1-5-4-8  
C.    7-8-4-1-2-6-5-3
D.    7-5-6-3-1-4-8-2

Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1. Nature’s recycling programme for water is called the water cycle.
2. Rain or snow eventually finds their way back to the ocean.
3. Water falls from the air as rain or snow.
4. Water goes from the ocean, lakes, and rivers into the air.
5. One of the things nature recycles is water.
6. Did you know that nature recycles too?
7. Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper.

A.    7-6-5-4-3-2-1
B.    1-2-3-4-5-6-7
C.    5-6-3-4-7-1-2
D.    2-1-4-3-6-7-5

    1. Melengkapi kalimat atau teks rumpang
Saol ini meminta untuk melengkapi kata – kata  atau prase yang hilang pada teks. Contoh pertanyaan / soalnya :
-          Fill in the blanks with correct word or phrase
-          Fill the missing word to make a good passage!

Cara menjawab soalnya:
-          Perhatikan topic atau tema yang sedang didiskusikan
-          Perhatikan tokoh atau karakternya
-          Perhatikan juga waktu dan tenses kalimatnya.

Most fish use their side, back, and tail fins for … ( 1 ) ….. Fins are movable, fanlike parts. A fish moves through the water by swinging its tail fins back and forth. A fish uses its other fins to steer and to stop. Sometimes the other fins also help it go fast through the water.
Most fishes have bodies shaped like a torpedo. Their bodies are pointed at the head and at the tail. This streamlined body helps fish speed through water. Sailfish can swim as ( 2 ) …  as 70 miles per hour (110 kilometers per hour).
Most fish have unusual shapes. Rays have flat, disc-shaped bodies. Large fins like wings go out from a ray’s head. To swim, rays flap the fins.
Most fish also have swim bladders. They fill their swim bladders (3 ) … air. Their air-filled swim bladders act like life jackets. They keep the fish from sinking to the bottom.

A.    Swim
B.    Swam
C.    Swimming
D.    Will swim


A.    fast
B.    slowly
C.    hastily
D.    hurriedly

A.  in
B.  to
C.   near
D.   With

1 komentar:

Inami Sakura

Bapak, saya mau bertanya. Saya ada tugas membuatwh question yang tersirat, itu maksudnya bagaimana ya bpk?
Terima kasih

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