On Senin, 02 Maret 2020 0 komentar


Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Honorrable judges. Respectable master of ceremony and My beloved audiences.

First of all, let us devote our thanks to Allah SWT who has given us time, chance and opportunity.  So, we can attend this nice competition. Salawat and Salam, let us send to the great, Muhammad SAW who has brought us from uneducated life to educated one.
Ladies and gentlemen. On this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech about the bad effect of Information Technology. IT or information technology refers to the development, maintenance, and use of computer software, systems, and networks. It includes their use for the processing and distribution of data. Technology is the result of useful knowledge that helps facilitate human work.
Everything must have an impact, both positive and negative impacts.  A technology also has positive and negative impacts. Technology  has a big hand in various aspects. The creation of this technology is intended to facilitate human work. This creation also aims to make us easier to communicate. But on the other hand the use of this technology is often misunderstood by people who have less responsibility. Technology misuse is causing laziness. We can see it from the easier we get something we want. Technology helps us to make our work easier to do. As the impact some of us be lazy and depend our work on technology.
The next main point for the negative impacts of information technology on society is poor language proficiency. Language proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language. This is a very serious matter to be concern because the modern technology allows people to communicate with others and associates instantly using application such as Line, We Chat telegram, WhatsApp and the likes. This application will make life easier to communicate between each other. However, this will cause them to ignore the spelling of different words and the usage of proper grammar. Furthermore, with the increasing amount of information on the web, Internet users may come across inaccurate information and lead to misinformation or even slightly skewed way of thinking.
Technology has changed human experience. Nowadays, people spend more time online than before, so their social life is affected by internet. They like to read the news from the internet instead of newspaper. They also like to chat by using their devices rather than facing each other. This is because it will save time and money. But, this will cause them to be addicted to technology. The addiction comes from not realizing that they already found what they were looking for.
Then the question is how do we deal with the negative impact of technology? Many argue that the negative impact of a technology can be overcome by the way we learn not to depend on the technology. In other words, we are advised not to use technology excessively. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, technology will benefit us if we do not misinterpret the technology, and use it for good things, not for things that harm others. Let's with our wisdom attitude, we use technology to bring benefits to us and others. Do not bring harm to others.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I think that is all. Thank you for your kind attention and Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.  ( )

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