On Minggu, 29 Maret 2020 0 komentar

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera untuk kalian semua. Bertemu lagi dengan ustad Dodi Indra dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Baiklah anak-anakku semuanya. Dikesempatan yang berbahagia ini ustad akan menyampaikan materi pelajaran baru. Materinya tentang ANNOUNCEMENT. Silakan dibaca dan dipahami Instruction dan penjelasan berikut ini. Jika kalian ragu dan mau bertanya, silakan tanyakan di grup WA kelas. Ustad dengan senang hati akan menjawabnya. Selamat belajar!


a.   Read the explanation below carefully!
b.   Do exercise well!
c.    Send your answer to My WA number with a code “ TBR 5 “!
d.   Collect your work sooner!
e.   Thank you.


1.   Pengertian
Announcement  dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Pengumuman. Pengumuman merupakan pemberitahuan atau pernyataan yang disampaikan dalam bentuk lisan atau tulis. Announcement  berisi informasi atau sesuatu yang harus diketahui oleh orang lain. Namun, tidak semua orang yang mendengar atau membaca pengumuman tersebut berkepentingan atas pengumuman tersebut.

2.   Jenis Announcement
Ada 2 jenis Pengumuman.
1.        Pengumuman Lisan
Pengumuman dapat kita dengar, misalnya pengumuman disekolah atau di tempat-tempat umum,


2.        Pengumuman tertulis
Pengumuman yang dapat kita baca di papan pengumuman, di majalah, dan di koran.

3.        Pengumuan Lisan dan Tulis.
Pengumuman yang dapat dilihat, didengar dan dibaca. Contohnya pengumuman melalui televisi.

Contoh Pengumuman
·         Pemberitahuan/ himbauan
·         Liburan
·         Hiburan
·         Pengumuman orang hilang
·         Berita Duka
·         Pengumuman Pemenang
·         Lowongan Pekerjaan

4.   Tujuan Announcement
ü  To get what we want
ü  To make other people do what we want
ü  To annonce something
ü  To share information to others

5.   Generic Structure Announcement
Ada tiga hal yang harus ada pada pengumuman
1.    Sender ( Pengirim, asal pengumuman tersebut )
2.    Content ( isi pengumuman )
3.    Addressee ( Si penerima atau orang yang dituju oleh pengumuman tersebut )


Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2!


1. Where can you read the announcement?
     A. At school
     B. In a bank
     C. In a company
     D. In a library

2. According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?

     A. Computers
     B. Air conditioners
     C. Lamps
     D. Printers

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 and 4!

3. What does the text tell about?

     A. Independence day festival
     B. Gathering in school
     C. Parade with the principal
     D. School contest

4. What time will the festival start?

     A. 07.00
     B. 07.30
     C. 08.00
     D. 09.00

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 7!

5. Where should the participant go for registration?

     A. School
     B. The committee's office
     C. Cast audition hall
     D. The stage

6. These information are included in the announcement, except ....

     A. The place Mega-Mega drama will be staged
     B. The audition time of Mega-Mega drama
     C. The price to register in the audition
     D. The requirement of cast

7. The announcement is released by ....

     A. School drama committee
     B. Mega-Mega
     C. Students association
     D. Student committee

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10!

8. Why did Mariana Hartati write the announcement?
     A. To throw away their books
     B. To ask her friends to remember SMP Nusa Bangsa
     C. To inform their friends about leaving the school son
     D. To persuade her friends to donate their stuff to the needy

9. What should a students do if we wants to donate his uniform?
     A. He should meet Marina Hartati
     B. He should give them to Mrs Katmiyati
     C. He should come to the Students Organization office
     D. He should distribute them to the seventh and eighth graders

10. From the text we can conclude that the nineth graders are going to ....
     A. Donate soon
     B. Graduate soon
     C. Visit Mrs. Katmiyati
     D. Go to the staff office

 The following text is for questions 11 to 12!


 11. What are the things offered in the new library?

A.   Books and DVDs.
B.    New books and novels.
C.  Old and new books.
D.   New DVDs and non-fiction books.

12. What does the writer make the announcement for?
A.   To resume a new novel.
B.    To invite the reader to visit the library.
C.  To let the reader know about the head of library.
D.   To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.


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