
On Kamis, 24 Maret 2011 0 komentar

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Honorrable judges
Respectable master of ceremony and
My beloved audiences.
First of all let us devote our thanks to Allah SWT who has given us time, chance and opportunity. So we can attend this nice competition. Salawat and Salam, let us send to the great, Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness into the lightness.
Ladies and gentlemen. On this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech about nationalism. In here I state that nationalism as an effort to reunite our nations. The terms of nationalism is generally used to describe two phenomena. Firstly, the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity. Secondly, the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve self determination.
The purpose of nationalism is to unite people of different classes, region, religion and ideology. It can create harmony, link our past to our present and give a people a sense of identity. It is truly related with our Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Diversity in unity. On the other hand, nationalism is also a tool used by others to create violent and mighty forces as well as divide people from different geographies. They make the term of nationalism to divide and separate Indonesian people.
Nowadays, Indonesia rebuilds its nationalism. The euphoria of Asian Football Federation was a pioneer to develop our felling of nationalism. The anthem of Indonesia Raya, Padamu Negeri and Garuda Didadaku are sang everywhere. The red white clothes are suited by adult, teenager and children. Feeling of love to Indonesia become hot and new trend even though they do not realize it as a sign of nationalism
My audiences, nationalism are an effort to reunite our nations. As we know, there are some actions that shown that Indonesia has been separated. There is referendum of Aceh, Riau Merdeka and Papua with its Bintang Kejora and others. It makes Indonesia hurt and loss of its unity. Even in 1945, the nationalisms are the main key to make Indonesian independence. Nationalism grow in every Indonesian citizen automatically will be a strength for our nation. But, the fact that we face to day our nationalism decrease and decrease. It is caused many Indonesian people especially teenager cheat and adopt foreign culture especially western country like America and Europe.
In fact, for young teenager like students to grow and develop their nationalism are only by doing their responsibility. Do not do negative action and obey their parents and their teachers. Doing something like usual is a kind of patriotism. So we might not hold a gun like our hero sixty years ago. Nationalism should be planted to every student because they will hold the government and power in this country. With feeling of nationalism they will realize and know how to lead this nation in order to gain prosperity and become a modern one. Beside that, young generations should be learn and know their history so they know how difficult our grandparents got our independent. Young generation today will be the leader in the future. They will determine Indonesian ten or fifteen years later.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think that is all. Thank you for your attention and Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. ( )

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