On Minggu, 28 Januari 2024 0 komentar


Once there was a town called Hamelin. The only thing wrong was it was full of rats. They destroyed people’s farms, houses and food supplies. The people went to the mayor to solve the problem.

One day, a strange man came to town. The stranger offered to get rid off the rats. In return, the mayor would give him money.

The Pied Piper was a strange-looking man. He was tall and always wore pointed hat, and a long, flowing cape. He played a long, shiny flute. The piper began to play in the town square.

Rats came running from everywhere. They came out from the houses and the shops. The Pied Piper played up and down the streets. Everywhere he went, the rats followed him. The Pied Piper led the rats to the river. The rats all jumped into the river and drowned.

The people cheered. They were happy to be rid of the rats. But the mayor changed his mind about the money. He refused to give any money at all to the Pied Piper. “Give me the money your promised,” he said. “If you don’t, I’ll play a different tune you will not like,” he warned. But the mayor still refused. The Pied Piper picked up his flute and began to  play a new tune.

Once the flute was played, all the children in the town were like being hypnotized. These children followed the Pied Piper wherever he was playing the flute. When The Pied Piper reached the river bank, he stopped walking, but the children were still walking toward the river.

Fear of their safety, the mayor begged The Pied Piper to let the children go and paid the money he promised. All of sudden the children awoke and their parents rushed to get their beloved children.

The Pied Piper was happy to get the money and the  mayor finally learned a lesson from this.

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