On Kamis, 25 Januari 2024 0 komentar



Horse and donkey come from the same family. Horse and donkey are almost the same in shape but they are trully different.  In size, horse is heavier than donkey becouse horse body is bigger than donkey. On feeling, Donkey is more sensitive than horse becouse it has very distinctive feeling. Donkey has visible longer ears while horse tends to have longger faces. Donkey has smaller hoofs than horse. Donkey’s back is fatter than horse’s. Donkey is harder to starle and will consider the risk before it decides to  run or stick around. Horse has softer and more flowing hair than donkey. Donkey is wellknown as the most stupid animals in the world while horse is the fatest running animals. Horse and donkey are tame animals. They can help human in doing their activities.

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