Aldi    : Assalamualaikum wr.wr Good morning. Honorable headmaster. Respectable teachers and staff. My brothers and sisters.  It is nice to see you here. In this occasion, We are from class Eight Three shall perform a simple role play about Bullying. The title is “Hidden Scars”. The play is written and directed by Dodi Indra. The character. Ragil, Rasyid, Raisa, Raffa, Aurel, Dzikra, and Kanaya.  Let’s enjoy it!





Rasyid            : A shy, introverted student who is often bullied.

Ragil               : A popular, athletic student who is the main bully.

Dzikra             : A participate person in bullying

Kanaya           : A participate person in bullying

Raisa              : Rasyid's best friend, a loyal and supportive girl.

Raffa               : A caring and understanding teacher.

Aurel              : A student who witnesses the bullying and tries to help.



Scene 1: The Field


Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya are laughing and making fun of Rasyid.


Ragil          : Hey, loser! Why don't you try joining a real sport instead of hiding in the library all day?

Dzikra       : Baby boy. ( Hold Rasyid’s hand )

Rasyid       : Leave me alone,

Kanaya      : Hmm.. so pity of you

Ragil          : Or what? You'll cry to your mommy?


Ragil and his friends laugh. Rasyid runs away. He goes to classroom



Scene 2: The Classroom


Rasyid is sitting at a table, reading a book. Raisa joins him.


Raisa         : Hey, Rasyid, are you okay? You seem a bit off today.

Rasyid       : Hmmm…. It's just Ragil and his friends again. They were making fun of me in the field.

Raisa         : I'm so sorry, Rasyid. That's not fair. They're bullies.

Rasyid       : I know. I just wish it would stop.



Aurel comes to the class and sits in the back of the class, observing the students. Then Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya come. They start making fun of Rasyid again.


Ragil          : Ocit… so funny boy. ( Grabbed Rasyid’s hair )


Aurel looks at that and stands up.  (To herself) I can't believe this. This is wrong.


Kanaya      : Nice book. ( Take the book and throw it on the floor )

Rasyid       : No…

Raisa         : Oh my god. What are you doing?

Dzikra       : Relax friends


Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya laugh, Aurel stands and go out from the class


Scene 3: Mr. Raffa' Office


Raffa is sitting at his desk, Aurel comes and say something.


Aurel         : Excuse me. I think there's a problem

Raffa          : What’s problem

Aurel         : This is so serious sir’

Raffa          : So serious. Tell me!

Aurel         : I saw Ragil and his friends bullying Rasyid in class. It's not right.

Raffa          : Really?

Aurel         : Yes. Trust in me!

Raffa          : Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Aurel. I'll speak to Ragil and his friends. Let’s go to the classroom!


Scene 4: Classroom

In the class Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya mock Rasyid and Raisa. Raffa and Aurel come to the class. They stand in front of the door



Raisa         : Don’t do it anymore. That is enough

Dzikra       : Ha..ha.. is he your boyfriend?

Kanaya      : Good. Nice couple ( Kanaya pulls Raisa’s hijab )


Raffa          : Stop it.  What has been happening?


Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya are surprise. The stand quietly


Raffa          : I want you to tell me. What the hell is this?

Dzikra       : We… we are only playing sir

Raffa          : Playing? Nice playing, is not it?

Ragil          : Sir, It is not like what you think about.

Raffa          : So. What is it?

Ragil          : Hm.. It is …

Raffa          : Good. Do you know? What have you done is bullying. This is a very serious violation.

Kanaya      : Sir. I just make a joke with him

Raffa          : A joke. Nice speaking. Now you, you, and you. ( Point his point finger to Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya ) Come with me to the office.


Raffa, Ragil, Dzikra and Kanaya go out of the class


Aurel         : Ragil and his friends will not bother you at all.

Raisa         : That's great. I'm so happy for you. You help us to report this to Mr Raffa

Aurel         : I just wanted to say I'm glad I spoke up. It feels good to help someone.


Rasyid and Raisa smile at Aurel.


Rasyid       : Thanks, Aurel. You're a really good friend.



Aldi           : Well. Ladies and gentlemen. That is all from us. Thank you for any attention. We do apologize for any mistake. See you later.


Ragil          : Well everybody. The message from the play is. If you look there is bullying action in the school, Please report it your teacher. Do not be afraid! Your report is so valuable to reduce bullying action and save others. Thank so much. Assalamualaikum wr wb.








































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     MARISAH, S,Ag, M,Pd                                                                          DODI INDRA, S.S.                                             NIP : 19710306 200312 2 003                                              NIP : 19780227 201001 1 009