SAJAK GURUKau insan yang muliaMendidik generasi demi generasiTanpa mengenal erti jemuSiang malam berdoa agarAnak bangsa berjaya dan berjayaGuruKau ibarat lilinMenerangi jalan yang gelapMenyuluh ke jalan yang terangNamun kekadang tersasarOleh badai yang datangGuruKami anak didikBersyukur kepada IlahiKerana menjadi insan yang terpilihHasil usaha murnimuGuruKami berdoa agar kau guruBahagia dan...
CONTOH TEKS DAN SOAL RECOUNT  By the year 2000 young people who are now going to Secondary school will have grown up; most of them will probably have become parents who have responsible positions in the community. Babies born this year will go to Secondary Schools or will have become school drops – out. The Indonesian population will have increased by 130 million, making the total...
LATIHAN ULANGAN SEMESTER GANJIL BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VIII SMP Read the text and choose the correct answer to answer the questions!Text For numbers 1-4. I love cats very much. I keep some cats in my house. They are Kabuok, Bolang, Tigo Bono and Sincan. Kabuok is grey. It’s big and strong. Bolang is black and small. Tigo Bono is white, yellow and red. The last sincan, Sincan is white. I always...
SOAL LATIHAN ULANGAN SEMESTER GANJIL BAHASA INGGRIS SMP Read !! Hi, my name is Mayu. I have a pet, it is a cat. The name is the Blacky. I get it from my friend yoni. It is very spoiled and beautiful with the smooth fur. It is a about five months old. It has yellow eyes and has a long tail its fur is very clean. I feed it with meet and oily rice twice a day in the morning and evening....
LATIHAN ULANGAN SEMESTER GANJIL BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VIII SMP READINGRead the text and choose the correct answer to answer the questions! Text 1. For numbers 1-8. I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color...